The following is a list of general areas we are a leader among green architecture firms:
Energy benchmarking and audits – Measuring your company’s energy usage and finding inventive solutions for improving weak areas.
Sustainability consulting – Helping your company find ways to end inefficient practices and excessive energy use.
LEED AP certification consulting – Ensuring that your building, whether it is being built or is in the process of being refurbished, meets all of the requirements of LEED certification and maximizes the benefits available in your locale
Title 24 and Energy Modeling – Making sure a property is built to the current codes as maintained by the state of California
Commissioning – Ensuring equipment in a building operates as intended to minimize waste.
HERS Rating and Verification – Reviewing your property’s compliance with mandates established by CalCERTS.
LEED Green Rater (Mandatory on all LEED Homes projects) – The Green Rater is the site verification arm of Alliance Energy Partners. The Green Rater will verify that the required measures have been taken and will verify the credits with photos and reports.
Green building consulting firms like Alliance Energy Partners not only help to make sure that your building is employing the best and most innovative green engineering practices, they save you money by reducing energy costs in the long term. Of course, green practices will also help to boost a project’s image, attracting customers and partners who also hold green development principles in high regards.